Thursday, July 14, 2011

Second LLMD appt and playing with plaquenil

I had my second LLMD appt last week.  I really would like to state that I LOVE THIS LADY!!!!!  She is very thorough, and loved that I wrote out which symptoms changed.  She went over my whole symptom list, the lyme symptom list, and a general body systems list in addition to a physical exam.  I'm doing ok.  Not stellar, but not terrible, just like I thought.

The fact that my lab tests came back negative does not change the fact that I have clinical chronic lyme disease.  Nor will it change our course of treatment.  Having a herx reaction right away cements that I do in fact have lyme disease, because they only occur with spirochete infections. 

While going through the system check, she touched on thyroid.  I mentioned my maternal history and the fact that I have several hypothyroid symptoms, yet all my labs have been within the normal range for years.  She said, "Sometimes people have slow metabolisms and do better on a low dose of thyroid meds even though their labs are normal."

I nearly fell off my chair with excitement, because I have read that before, but had never come across a doctor who believed it!  So, she instructed me to take my temperature 3 times a day and take the average of them.  A low temperature is proof of a slow metabolism, and if I do this, she will be able to prescribe me some synthroid to try!  I am SUPER excited about this prospect, because I have thought and wondered about this for years but nobody was willing to help me.  So far, my temp hasn't even hit 98.6, even when I've been feeling feverish.  Most of the averages are 97.5.  However, each of my afternoon temps are higher than the others, which I believe is a symptom of lyme & co in and of itself.  I'm looking forward to the next appt to see what she says!

Since I have had so much gastric upset and sun problems with the current dose of azithromycin, she kept it the same.  Thank GOD!!!!!  She wants me tolerating it well before we increase it.  My stomach seems to be doing a bit better on it in the past week, so maybe next month it will go up.  She also added in 400 mg of plaquenil each day, giving me the instructions that I can take it as I wish (they come in 200mg tablets), as long as I get the 400mg each day.  I've been playing around with that, starting it on this past monday, because we had a big trip planned for that weekend.  She suggested that I find a good refrigerated probiotic, as it helps keep the organisms fresher.  I just started a new pack of 30 of what I currently have, so I'll do that when I'm done with this stuff.  I seem to be doing fairly well on that front though.  She also suggested I start taking chelated magnesium, for all my aches and pains, up to 2 grams daily, as I can tolerate.  I'm still trying to find some good stuff.

The plaquenil is something fierce!  It has caused me moderate nausea (its bad, but I'm not puking from it) and the bugs really don't like it.  I have tried taking it a number of different ways.  200mg with the rest of my morning pills causes too much nausea.  A late morning dose and early afternoon dose (without anything else taken with it) was pretty bad nausea too, and I ended up with the biggest herx I've had yet.  Yes, its good, cuz it means the bugs are dying, but its also bad to have to endure, and the neurotoxins can actually cause damage if there is too much of them around for too long.  So today, I'm trying out taking the entire 400mg with dinner, so I avoid mixing them with other meds, and I can sleep through most of the bad stuff.

Taking them with a big meal has helped with the nausea, but it has caused quite a bit of gas.  Interestingly enough, I'm starting to feel my cheeks flush just 2 hours after taking it.  Pretty soon its bedtime, so we'll see how I sleep and feel in the morning.  I'm hoping its a go!

I really want to kill these damn buggers, but it would be nice if we can avoid a repeat of yesterday.  I needed to stay in bed most of the afternoon and evening, and had to abandon making supper, right in the middle of things.  I've been trying to be prepared for things to get worse, but now that that reality is looking me in the face, I have to admit I'm kind of scared.  I couldn't take care of my family, and it was all I could do to get up to go to the bathroom or get a drink of water.

Today I've been feeling much better, my body felt lighter and I didn't hurt as much.  If I can time the plaquenil doses right so they do the killing while I sleep, this might be a doable arrangement.  I want them GONE, but I also want to be able to function.

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