I have decided to blog my journey with chronic lyme disease. Perhaps someone can learn from it, perhaps someone will feel less alone. Maybe I'll meet new people and gain fellowship with similar sufferers. Something good will come from my battle, even if I don't get any better. If nothing else, it will be a place for me to log symptoms, meds and reactions.
I have never really blogged before, at least not the kind you advertise about on facebook or other places, so this is going to be a learning experience. I tend to be kind of wordy, and give out too much information. I'm going to try to limit this blog to how living with chronic lyme disease affects me and my family. It IS personal, and I may often talk about gross things. So consider this your warning! *LOL*
Lyme disease is a very political one. Its a very scary one. Borrelia burgdorferi are really crafty, sneaky little buggers! I'll likely have emotional posts, and ones you may or may not agree with. That's ok if you don't agree with me, as long as you think about what I write. I'm going to try to make as much sense as I can, as well as being as well informed as I can. However, given one of my symptoms of brain fog, its a challenge. Some days, I just can't explain things, no matter how hard I try. Please bear with me.
And with that, I bring to you the story of my battle with Borrelia burgdorferi...
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