Thursday, June 9, 2011

Talk with doctor

The doctor just returned my call, and upon explaining my symptoms from last night, she said that yes, it does sound like I killed some bugs! 

I'm to get a urine sample today or tomorrow, cuz we want to catch the dead bugs, and it takes a bit for them to clear the blood stream.  So hopefully, we'll get some!!  And I'm to continue the abx (antibiotics, for short - I'll be using that abbreviation a lot), and get samples on days 5 and 6 like planned.

She mentioned something about plaquenil, and how I"ll probably be put on it in the future.  I wonder how that fits into lyme treatment....  I'll be looking into it so I can be ahead of the game!  My next appt with her is July 7th.

I'm doing a big happy dance!!!

Oh and I'm not feeling flu-ish this morning.  Just a few random aches that move and stuff.


  1. Day 2 seems to be going fairly well... it's awesome to see you looking and sounding good! :)

  2. dancin' on your shoulder!!

  3. I'm on plaquenil for my Sarcoidosis. Its also used for Rheumatoid Arthritis. Its not so bad, really...
